Sunday, 31 January 2016

Last Week in Janury

I can't believe that January is over already and this last week has been busy.

'The Deal' Came to Standish

After I emailed the Council way back in September, they promised The Deal would come to Standish in January.  I understand other organisations and residents also requested they come here as they had been everywhere else in Wigan.  I believe our Councillors had not wanted to engage with this initiative. During the week lots of activities took place and skips were placed around Standish and were filled and replaced, allowing residents to have a clear out and have furniture etc removed free of charge.  

On Thursday evening 'The Deal in Action' meeting was held at The Unity Club. It was extremely well attended.  It was interesting to hear the presentations and find out what organisations are doing in Standish.

The question and answer session was forthright and mainly focussed on the building of new houses and roads in Standish as expected.  Mostly positive questions dealing with how to cope with the situation we have, although one lady did get rather heated.  I didn't agree with her comments about Standish being a dump though.  It was also confirmed, after questions were asked, that if a By-Pass was built, money would have to be raised (about £19million) to build it.  This would probably have to be done by selling land on either side of it for Housing! Residents whose houses back onto the land have told me they do not want a by-pass on green belt land or it being paid for by allowing more houses to be built!

I don't think that Wigan Council get everything right for Standish, and I don't agree with everything that they do, but I feel strongly that we need to work with them and organisations such as Standish Voice and the Community Forum to make things happen in Standish.  Simply shouting insults and fighting with them won't work. This is the tactic currently used here.   

Consultation has taken place with many of us completing the questionnaire distributed by Standish Voice and so we now have a clearer picture of what Standishers want and we can work towards that.  It will, of course, take time, but this is already happening with 'The Line' being renovated and upgraded to enable cyclists and walkers to use it.  This is a direct result of negotiations with Standish Voice, of which I am a member, and The Council.  Standish Voice announced that the Neighbourhood Plan should be ready by late summer and this will help protect Standish from builders.

5 items have been registered as 'Assets of Community Value', including Ashfield Park, adding yet another layer of protection on it.  The Council have approved and signed this and the documents were handed over at the meeting on Thursday.

One thing that did come up was the builders removing trees that are suspected to have preservation orders on them.  If you do see this happening on any of the sites (the plans and trees can be seen on the Council's website) please report it immediately.  Wigan Council have promised to act promptly now that they know this may be happening.

Heather Mullineaux from the Council also asked for volunteers to help with speeding traffic.  You may know that most side streets are now 20mph. If you are having problems with fast cars in your street, you and your neighbours are able to request a kit to help monitor the traffic.  If they are proved to be speeding, the Council have said they will act. Police will not monitor speeding cars in side streets and simply do not have the resources.   If you would like details of how to get a kit please contact Heather.

Although our three councillors were in attendance, many were asking why they were not there as they declined to be introduced to the meeting.  Along with this they have refused to have their photographs published on the Council website. Seems strange for public officers to try and remain anonymous.

Standish Labour Campaign Day

Our first Campaign Day was held yesterday, Saturday 30th January.  41 members of the Labour Group plus many Branch Members attended and delivered leaflets throughout Standish.   We braved Storm Gertrude's wind and hail but all was done in a very short time.  Many hands make light work as they say.

 Photo before work carried out

Although not elected last year, I have been doing day to day work with residents, removing fly tipping, assisting residents with bin problems, getting the Pepper Lane/Preston Road roundabout re-painted, installing the fabulous defibrillators and most recently adding a kissing gate (getting the funds to make and install it) to a footpath to prevent motor cyclists speeding through (a request made of our councillors who unfortunately did not act).  I will upload a photo of the completed work shortly.

We have lots of hard work to do before the May election but it is encouraging to know that we more than doubled our vote last year from the previous year and had more than double the number of votes in Standish Ward alone than Gareth Fairhurst did in the whole of Wigan for the General Election. I will work hard for the people of Standish, that I can promise you.

General News

A few residents have asked me about the announcement regarding the closing of the Morrisons store in Wigan.   Although the Council and MP do not have any control over businesses, whether local or national, I have written to our MP to ask if she could make enquiries as to why they have chosen to close and to ask them to consider the elderly in Wigan who regularly use this store.

Car Parking -
Residents have asked if we can get the Council to reduce the fees in The Grand Arcade car park.   Unfortunately this car park is privately owned and the council has no control over it.   Apcoa own the car park and I will be complaining to them and boycotting this car park in the future.

Here is a link to Wigan Council car parks.  Civic Centre and Chapel Lane pay and display car parks are available on Saturdays and Sundays.

Defibrillators Run on Batteries!

Recently there was a group created on Facebook which has now been turned into a Closed Group to allow them to make comments and have discussions without others seeing.  

I have been told that one person on the page has blamed a few recent power cuts in Standish on the Defibrillators.   Each Defibrillator has a 7 year battery.  I check the units each week and if used, as they have been, the batteries are replaced by North West Ambulance Service.   So no, they do not cause power cuts!

Monday, 18 January 2016

Week Commencing 11th January 2016

Activities this week

At the start of the week I attended Leigh Town Hall as I was invited to The Labour Group Meeting as a prospective candidate in this year's local election.  The meeting was very informative and it was nice to meet everyone there.

Fairhurst Avenue  - Before Christmas I was approached by residents concerned by motor cycles driving at speed down Fairhurst Avenue and also down the footpath which leads onto Preston Road.  One lady was almost hit in a head on collision.   After investigating, I found the land owners and requested permission for a 'kissing gate' so that pedestrians and prams etc could access the footpath, but not the motorcyclists.  I am pleased to say that permission has been now been granted and the funds found so the work will start soon.  Full details will be published when work is complete.  

Parking in Standish

As all of us know parking in Standish is totally inadequate and with both Aldi and Lidl now clamping down on parking in their car parks, and residents being fined, the situation is getting worse.   This week I was told that due to inconsiderate shoppers parking on Preston Road, directly outside Lidl, trying, I assume to get as close to the door as possible, yellow lines have been painted between the entrance to Lidl and the junction at the top of Avondale Street. 

Drivers trying to exit from Avondale Street and also from Lidl car park were unable to see traffic to turn safely due to these few people parking, many with 2 wheels on the footpath making it harder for pedestrians also.   

Standish Voice have started a petition to Wigan Council asking for the allocation of parking in or near Standish centre. 

The link to the petition is here, Please help us to improve parking in Standish, sign and pass on to friends and other residents in Standish.

The Deal Comes to Standish

Wigan Council's 'The Deal' is coming to Standish during the week 24th - 29th January.   Standish is one of the last places to see The Deal in Action as our local councillors have refused it.   After several residents, after seeing The Deal advertised in other places within Wigan, asked when it was coming here, I spoke way back in September to senior officers within the Council and asked if we could organise the Deal for Standish and was promised it would be sorted for January.  I understand Standish Voice and some residents also requested it.

There will be several things happening including free medical checks for 40 - 74 year olds and Standish Community Forum, Standish in Bloom information sessions.   

The events will also include a question and answer session with The Leader and Chief Executive of the Council at The Unity Club on Thursday 28th from 6.30pm.

Come along and find out how we can work together for Standish!

You can read about 'The Deal' on The Council's website for more information.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Back to Work and Local News

I, like many of you returned to work last Monday which was quite a shock to the system.   I had spent two weeks forgetting which day of the week it was and not having to rush out at 7.30am each morning.
I did however get to see a lovely sunrise on my way to work.


The Crown at Worthington

It was with sadness that I read that The Crown pub at Worthington had been closed.  Reports of financial difficulties have circulated in the last year or so but my husband and I have spent many happy evenings there, including Burns Night with friends.   I was particularly sad to read the comments to the Wigan Evening Post article and comments from staff at how they had received the news.  Very sad!

You can read the article here.

Reporting Problems

We have all read about the problems with flooding in the area.   I reported the blocked drain and subsequent flooding at the top of James Square to Wigan Council.  

Driving to Wigan & Leigh Hospice for my voluntary work, the road past the bend leading to Haigh Hall was also flooded and there were no signs.  The flood waters were too deep to drive through so I and a cyclist turned round (good practice of my three point turn!) and diverted.   I reported the flooded road to the Council and flood signs were put at the side of the road in both directions to alert drivers.

I have previously put the link to the local 'Report It' app on both the Standish Labour Facebook and Twitter pages but if you want to report floods, blocked drains, missed bins or anything else you can do so here:

or you can download the app to your phone.  You are able to take a photo of the problem and send it directly to the council with a message.

You will get an email back confirming your report has been filed and also a response when the work is done.  The Council instructions are here
The 'My Report It' app is available for iPhoneWindows and Android phones.
It can be downloaded from the relevant app store e.g. Play Store 

'The Deal'

With many Standish residents asking why Standish had not yet had 'The Deal' I wrote to the Chief Executive on 22nd September who told me that Standish Voice and residents had also asked about this.  She promised that Standish would be included in January.  I understand that The Deal Question and Answer session with  the Council Leader and Chief Executive has been booked for Thursday, January 28. The full session will be from 4pm to 9pm at the Unity Club.  Standish Voice will be involved.  More details to follow.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year - Welcome 2016

Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone has a healthy 2016 and that it is kind to us all!.

Sadly I ended 2015 attending the funeral of a lovely young man, close friend and school friend of my eldest son.  St Wilfrid's Church was filled to capacity with people standing as all pews were taken.  This young man made an impact on so many and the attendance at his funeral was testimony to this.  Sleep tight Jonathan (Khany).  Having known him since a small child, I will always remember his cheeky smile and personality.

I also spent the week before and after Christmas sorting problems for people in Standish who come to me for help as local Councillors do so little. Getting the bins empties of a resident who has assisted bin help and whose bin was missed just before Christmas was just one example. Reporting flooding on local roads to get signage to warn drivers was another.   My heart goes out to those who were affected by the floods.  This year Carl and I sent a donation to the flood appeal rather than sending Christmas cards.

2015 was a very mixed bag.  The threat of redundancy, great nieces and nephews being born, and happy fun times with grandchildren and family.    
May saw us lose the local election by a very small margin, more than doubling our votes and getting far more than Gareth Fairhurst did in the whole of Wigan in his quest to become an MP.  He lost his deposit!  Let us hope that in 2016 his lies, slander and electioneering fairy stories stop and that he finally produces audited full accounts of the money raised for the 'Save Ashfield' fund.  A park that never needed saving in the first place and cost us taxpayers nearly £40,000. 

2016 brings us much to look forward to.  I have been selected to stand for our party for Standish in the local elections.  I declined requests to stand in other Wards as I feel that having lived and worked in the community in Standish for 40 years, my heart and soul are here and Standish is worth working and fighting for.  Let us work together to make it a better place, to make the best of the new houses we have been forced to accept and to fight to stop more being built!  I will continue as a member of Standish Voice to keep Standish a place we all want to live in.

An end of a year makes you reflect and I thought about community activities - here are some of the things I have helped with in the Community:
  • Held roles of Chair/Treasurer and Secretary of St Wilfrids Primary PTFA
  • Ran school bank for St Wilfrids
  • Delivered cookery lessons for pupils at St Wilfrids
  • Chair of joint schools PTFA, St Wilfrids, St Maries, Woodfold and Standish High raising much needed funds for refubishment of St Wilfrids swimming pool (even dressing up as tweety pie!)
  • Chair of Standish High Friends Association
  • Raised funds to buy the school mini bus
  • Worked at Standish High School for 17 years
  • Curriculum Staff Governor of Standish High School
  • First Aid Instructor, instructing officers of Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade, Girls Friendly Society and members of the Community
  • Led Friends of Standish Library to raise funds
  • Installed 2 defibrillators in Standish for 24/7 access, linked to North West Ambulance '999' service, winning Gold Award for their installation
  • Organised over 40 theatre trips for members of the community
  • Assisted in removal of fly tipped furniture
  • Assisted with parking dispute involving local councillor painting double yellow lines on the road
  • Worked with all schools in Locality 1(Standish, Shevington, Aspull, Beech Hill, Whelley and Ince) to raise standards of Mental Health Awareness, assessing and awarding schools with Bronze, Silver or Gold awards and organising presentation event.
  • Ward and Hospice in the home volunteer for Wigan and Leigh Hospice
  • Bereavement support volunteer for Wigan and Leigh Hospice. Experienced in bereavement support
These are just some of the things I have worked on over the last few years, there are many more,too numerous to list but I have plans for more in 2016 to benefit Standish and its residents.

I love Standish!  Happy New Year to you all!