Standish Branch
An extra meeting was held by the Branch after we were contacted by a Governor from Standish Community High School. After discussions with members, the Governor and others in the community the Branch unanimously decided to oppose the decision for Standish Community High School to become a Multi Trust Academy, firstly with Southlands High School in Chorley.
Standish High is a community school and the community is quite rightly proud of Standish High's achievements being one of the best schools in Wigan. I worked at the school for 17 years and all 3 of my children attended there and the school currently employs approximately 150 staff.
The school has already admitted that High School staff will go to Southlands to teach to help them improve. Who will teach Standish children then? NQTs, Southlands staff?
Will children in option classes with low numbers have to travel between sites?
Parents at feeder primary schools have not been consulted and only 30 parents attended the recent meeting at the school.
Following the meeting our new Chair Adam Blackburn started an online petition. If you would like to sign the link is here
Ashfield Park/Victoria Pit Site/Donkey Field
Following our news a few weeks ago that the footpaths would be repaired temporarily and upgraded in the summer we will shortly have more news about the site and its protection...... watch this space!
Greater Manchester Labour Campaign Forum
I represented Wigan CLP along with Neil Turner at the inaugural meeting where business consisted of the new committee being elected. Tony Lloyd gave a good speech and said he will also be accountable to the group and report back at meetings. It is good that we have a voice and that Standish is represented.
Standish Voice - Christmas Market Sub Group
I attended the sub group meeting at the end of February. Plans are going well for a real community event, a Christmas Market in Standish.
Tickets are just £4 each and can be purchased from The Country Store, on Chorley Road, Standish, or by calling Jacqui on .
All the money raised from the night will go towards Standish's Christmas Markets Day, which is planned for Saturday, December 3.