Last Week..... Half Term
This week's Blog is a little shorter than usual as I spent last week away. I drove to my eldest son's to collect my 7 year old grandson and drove to Kent to spend the week with my daughter, her husband and my other 7 year old grandson! I had a lovely week culminating in a halloween party with eyeball jelly and a firework display. Phew.....went back to work today for a rest!
Allocations and Development Management Local Plan Consultation
Following the consultation announced by Wigan Council, I have negotiated a drop-in session to be held on Wednesday 25th November between 3pm and 7pm at Standish Library. Council representatives will be there to answer questions about the Plan. Report H3 is specifically for Standish. The consultation ends on 15th December and you can have your say. Follow the link for more information and to give your views.
Have you registered to vote?
The rules on voter registration has been changed. Households can no longer register to vote and individuals must register themselves. To ensure you have the right to vote in all future elections and referendums, register here
Coca-Cola Truck Tour
Following a leak, it has been confirmed that the Coca Cola truck will be visiting Wigan. The truck will visit ASDA, Soho Street on 6th December between 11am and 7pm.
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