Friday, 23 October 2015

This Week's Blog

Local Elections 2016


This week Standish Labour Branch held their Selection Meeting.  I am very proud to say that I was selected to be the Labour Party Candidate in our Ward. I am dedicated to working hard for the benefit of Standish and its residents and hope you will support me next May.   

I look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail!  

In the News

Did you get your copy of The Wigan Courier this week? Read about the true cost of the Ashfield Park Public Inquiry here:

Also published in this week's Wigan Observer and also online at Wigan Today was the reported profanity of Cllr Gareth Fairhurst

My late Grandmother always taught me that to swear was to lose an argument as you had nothing real to say..... I think she was right! 

Standish Voice

Following our Selection Meeting I went across to the Unity Club for this month's meeting of Standish Voice.  Standish residents should by now have heard of our Neighbourhood Forum who are consulting with residents and businesses to create a Neighbourhood Plan.  

Mike Worden is the Assistant Director Planning and Transport at Wigan Council and came to explain the Allocations Plan and the consultation process.  This can be found at

It was good to hear how Wigan Council have listened to residents and included Policy H3 for Standish.   You can have your say on the plan until mid December. 

Embedded image permalinkI have been in discussion with the Council and have organised a drop in session to be held at Standish Library so that all who want to see the plan and discuss its implications with the Council have a chance to do so.   The date is being finalised but will be either 24th or 25th November.   I will update you as soon as possible.

At the Meeting The Chair Gill Foster handed Mike Worden the first of the 'assets of community value' which is land or property of importance to our community and offers a level of protection.  These included: Ashfield Park, Standish Library, Standish Community Centre, The Line and The Wreck. 

Greater Manchester Mayor and PCC Tony Lloyd 

visits Wigan 

Tony Lloyd this week visited a Wigan Labour Party meeting.  Many of us do not agree with the way that Devolution has been inflicted upon us but I thought Tony spoke with honesty and conviction.   He answered questions and those he couldn't answer he was honest to admit and promised to find the answers 
